SCD and Yeast We do occasionally see yeast flare ups when starting SCD. This should be a temporary increase. As lots of pathogenic bacteria are the first to die off by not feeding them with starches and sugars, yeast will attempt to take up that empty space initially. By giving either powerful homemade SCD yogurt or excellent probiotics, one can *usually* avoid this situation.

For those with yeast overgrowth... "It is wise to cut back on honey ingestion at the beginning of the dietary regimen (amount of honey in recipes should be decreased by at least 75%). The amount of honey may be increased as the condition improves." (quote taken from BTVC)

We have found that using some form of probiotic is also helpful. Probiotics can take the form of yogurt (made from goat, cow or nut milk), other fermented foods (such as HOMEMADE sauerkraut or kimchi) or probiotic powder or capsules (in case the child is not yet ready for any yogurts).

Ensuring that all vegetables and fruits foods are peeled and cooked at the beginning is also helpful in controlling yeast overgrowth. Undigested foods can feed microbes and delay healing.

The use of anti-fungals may be necessary. Some natural anti-fungals include: homemade carrot juice and garlic, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract (GSE) with or without enzymes. Some decide to go with prescription anti-fungals such as Nystatin. If using both a probiotic (or yogurt) and an anti-fungal, be sure to give them at separate times in order to preserve the live beneficial bacteria.

Some parents use anti-yeast enzymes, such as Candidase. S. boulardii has been found to be very helpful for yeast overgrowth. (The probiotic section of our website has more info about S. boulardii. )

From Catherine T.

"I have found this to be helpful with yeast and bacteria.. All you do is juice some carrots, and then use a garlic press to squeeze a clove of garlic into the juice. Carrot juice has some anti-fungal properties as well as the garlic. This needs to be drunk WITH FOOD because otherwise it will bring on a stomach ache. Try it once or twice a day for a few weeks. It's strong tasting so not every kid will try it.

I have an Omega juicer."

From Patti:

"Just want to clarify that this needs to be FRESHLY juiced carrot juice...... 4 oz. twice a day, for the average kid..... with one clove of garlic crushed in. When I make it, I just toss the garlic clove down the chute with the carrots and use the juice immediately."

Read how Sheila won her battle with yeast.

I had a very bad yeast overgrowth problem. I've been on the diet a while and didn't start with yeast issues but after a few runs of antibiotics (long story) the yeast in my system went wild.

While staying on the diet and reducing honey etc.. did help a lot with the yeast it was still quite bad. (I tried Nystatin but had a very bad reaction to it, stopped it and decided to try the natural route) I added in natural antifungals (Homemade carrot and garlic juice, GSE, Oil of oregano) and that helped a small bit. I then added yeast (specific) enzymes. I tried Candizyme, in conjunction with antifungals that I rotated. This helped tremendously. A yeast enzyme like candidase or candizyme can be helpful with yeast and if introduced slowly and increased gradually there can be minimal die off.

Last year I was treated with antibiotics twice unnecessarily (two misdiagnoses) and the yeast flared up again along with a flare up of colitis - for which I was hospitalized. After getting out of the hospital I started taking Saccharomyces boulardii. After a while I was able to tolerate yogurt again. I don't use the antifungals now but I still take the Candizyme - I use it before/with meals to help digest foods. By far, taking the S. boulardii has had the biggest and best effect on the yeast overgrowth. I have read some research that says that S. boulardii will work synergistically with good bacteria, like L. acidophilus and L. casei. I have definitely found it to be the case for me. When I was finally able to add the yogurt back into my diet my health improved dramatically.

Pecanbread Moderator

You can do an at home test that helps indicate if yeast is a potential problem.
Click here to view the at-home yeast test.

Parents should give SCD a trial of several months first, perhaps 3 to 6 months. If candida-related symptoms are severe or not improving, then parents can find helpful suggestions in these files:

Candida Overgrowth Basics

Causes and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

What's the cure?

Suggested phases for candida elimination version of SCD

Ranking lists of fruits and vegetables & anti-fungals

Die-off Symptoms

Links to resources and diagnostic laboratories

Further Reading